The circle closes, for now...

What a wonderful end to my stay... I got back a little while ago. I feel like the trip has come to a natural close after an eventful (for myself) last few days. The radio in the taxi back from town was playing "when I need love, I hold out my hands and I touch..." Thank you for being there these past days.

We (a small group of 4, the driver and our really great guide) left early early this morning for the Sian Ka'an reserve. A two hour drive later we found that the naturalist who was supposed to lead our kayaking tour through the mangroves hadn't shown, nor had our kayaks... But it didn't matter one bit. This area is a little patch of paradise. So we drove on another two hours, got on a little boat just for the 5 of us and spent most of the day on open water- sea turtles, flamingos, star fish, diving into the white-sanded blue. The dolphins gave us a miss, but so did the crocodiles. It didn't matter.

The sea was something else. The grounding, ironically out in the middle of the sea on the reef, even more so.

I just popped into a store in town to pick treats for the puppies. I left my bank card in the atm (thanks for cancelling it Geoff). I'm hungry. But it doesn't matter. I'm full!

I leave here with a sense of understanding. I know why I was supposed to come, why I was meant to be alone, why I needed to feel why I felt, and why I've learned what I have (my little secret) before I return.

And the puppies... They've been giving this early riser company every morning as I watch the sun rise. They've found where my room is and actually climb the stair ladder and wait for me outside my door. They also tore the black coral I found on the beach (and had left to dry) to bits... But I can't really blame them.


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