On bullies...

I've seen my fair share of them, and tonight some more. On the train downtown, I saw a man bully his own child. Sick...

This lovely boy, not yet 6, got on with his mum and this man. He was playing with his trains, and like most kids do, entertained himself. The man kept threatening the mother that she should have left the kid with her parents, that if the kid didn't behave the night was off and they were going home, that he was misbehaving, that the kid was the reason their relationship wasn't going to work.

The child sat between them through all of this, slowly shrinking, getting still, wanting to be invisible. The mother kept fawning over the weasly excuse of a man. He did interrupt his rant to call a friend when the train surfaced briefly to tell him he was "out with his girl" and that he'd bet 40 on three games. And then he started picking on the child.

We all sat still, involved yet not. I'm angry, at the man, but even more at myself. I glared a few times, but I should have said something. Would it have changed the child's life if I'd confronted this man, or made it worse?

I wanted to tell that child he'd be ok. His sadness hurt more than the man's words. The little boy shared a smile with me as I left the train.

We can't let this happen, not to innocent children, but it does. Everywhere, everyday.

Change starts with ourselves. Starting tomorrow I'm going to sign up with Big Brothers and maybe I'll make a difference if there is a kid who needs me.

I've been given so very much in this life. Unconditional love and support from my amazing parents and siblings. Friends who are firmer than any firmament.

Before my time is up, I'm going to make sure I give back too...


  1. Hi Tanzeel, just reading your blog, wow, you are a great writer, and just wow! I thought I would comment here as this post brought tears to my eyes, thank you :)


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