running away!

I leave next week for (almost, but not quite) a week near the sea, in the sun.

I'll be staying at the idyllic Rancho Sak Ol, in Puerto Morelos (thanks for the recommendation of the town Koo).

It's a small fishing village a half hour south of Cancun. What it's not is an all-inclusive pit of suburban whining and entitled excess which I have no interest in going to.

I need this time away to regroup and recharge. I plan to read, play with the dog (who is purported to own the place), eat, sleep, and most of all enjoy my time with the ocean that I miss so very much. In many ways this place reminds me (and already smells like) my childhood weekends in Juhu.

The weather there (to turn those of you who are in North America green with envy) is a calm 26C as I write this in chilly Toronto.


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