
Qualifying regret

I'm sorry if I caused confusion. Yes, everything is OK. The regret was about missing the flexibility the old job gave me to be where I was, when I wanted, which is impossible now with days just filled with meetings. I missed being able to play with the kittens, sleep in with D. But I don't miss the anxiety and bullying and intimidation at the University. As dysfunctional as the public service may seem at times, it matters that you're not alone in it, and it isn't personal... I know I made the right move. It's a forward in life, not work. No regrets, just this temporary tinge, and then it passed...

On regret

"A tinge is to be expected. There are few decisions that come completely cleanly - most have pros & cons. Important thing is to learn from past & look ahead ." Shared with me by J Aloisi this unsettling morning.

From my Ma (10 March 2015)

I found this beautiful so am sharing 😊 My Child My child isn't my easel to paint, Nor my diamond to polish! My child isn't my trophy to flaunt, Nor my dummy to taunt! My child isn't my badge or my honour, Nor my respect that he/she must protect! My child isn't an idea or a fantasy, Nor my reflection or legacy! My child isn't my puppet or my project, Nor my pawn or my cadet! My child is here to fumble & stumble To get in & out of trouble! My child is here to try, To fall & to cry! My child is here to unravel the mysteries, To educate oneself & rewrite histories! My child is here to make his/her own choices, To exercise his/her freewill & experience the consequences! As a Parent, My task is to make my child able & capable, To keep aside my ego & be by his/her side! My task is to guide & educate, To let be & not frustrate! My task is allow him/her to ponder, And see my child grow into a Wonder!