
What is True

one must be one to ever be two and if you were a day I'd find a way to live through you - by Ben Kopel, who says about it: "It's a love song because they're all love songs, and I mean every inch of it."

From Opportunity Comes Opportunity

Enjoy the love you have, and make the most of it. "From opportunity, comes opportunity."- Ada

Sonnet LXXXI

And now you're mine. Rest with your dream in my dream. Love and pain and work should all sleep, now. The night turns on its invisible wheels, and you are pure beside me as a sleeping amber. No one else, Love, will sleep in my dreams. You will go, we will go together, over the waters of time. No one else will travel through the shadows with me, only you, evergreen, ever sun, ever moon. Your hands have already opened their delicate fists and let their soft drifting signs drop away; your eyes closed like two gray wings, and I move after, following the folding water you carry, that carries me away. The night, the world, the wind spin out their destiny. Without you, I am your dream, only that, and that is all. - Pablo Neruda

Of love, laughter and making a difference

At the end of the day, the only questions I will ask myself are: Did I love enough? Did I laugh enough? Did I make a difference? Source: A share by Carol Borg on Facebook earlier today.


"Never allow someone to be your priority, while allowing yourself to be their option." - Mark Twain


This crest was designed for me and my descendents many years ago in another life by my dear friend Jaydev, an expert in heraldry. Rabbee sayahdeeni translates roughly to mean "He will guide me". These words are taken from Ash Surah of the Quran (Chp 26 Ver 62). The verse reads like "Qala kalla inna maaiya rabbee sayahdeeni". A big thank you to my friend, first roommate and a caring, thoughtful, beloved man with a lot of integrity- Jaydev Nansey. Thank you!

My Father's Hats

     Sunday mornings I would reach high into his dark closet while standing      on a chair and tiptoeing reach higher, touching, sometimes fumbling      the soft crowns and imagine I was in a forest, wind hymning      through pines, where the musky scent of rain clinging to damp earth was      his scent I loved, lingering on bands, leather, and on the inner silk      crowns where I would smell his hair and almost think I was being      held, or climbing a tree, touching the yellow fruit, leaves whose scent      was that of clove in the godsome air, as now, thinking of his fabulous      sleep, I stand on this canyon floor and watch light slowly close      on water I can't be sure is there. from New Lett...